Thursday, September 11, 2014


Before you take the time to look at the many varieties of mushrooms I shot today, I'd like to share with you a bit about my recent viral meningitis.

The meningitis was set into motion by the bite of a deer tick that was carrying the Powassan virus (similar to the West Nile virus but transmitted by a little pin head size tick). The Powassan virus was named from a city on Ontario, Canada. In recent years there have been more reports of this virus; although it still is extremely rare. Only 50 cases have been reported since 2003, with 11 of those being from Wisconsin. The Powassan virus originated in Canada and has migrated south to the upper mid-west and the northeastern parts of the U.S.

Everyone is susceptible to Powassan virus, but people who spend time outdoors in tick-infested environments are at an increased risk of exposure. I had a good number of ticks this spring (mostly wood ticks), and I indeed missed this little deer tick.

There is no medication available for the treatment of the  Powassan virus. Care to manage and alleviate the symptoms is all one can do (except to take precautions against further tick bites).

Now on to the mushrooms. It seems the cool, damp weather has caused them to flourish. Let me be the first to say that I know nothing about mushrooms. I do not eat them because I cannot identify them.



This is my favorite today!!

This is the seed head from a jack in the pulpit. You can never miss the seeds in the fall.
Asher and I spent time reading and talking.

Abram's favorite fruit. 

Elizabeth (left) and Taylor (right) enjoy spending time with Grandma.

1 comment:

  1. Excited for our visit! And the blog you'll write about our visit! LOL. Glad you're back Dad!!
