Friday, November 7, 2014


Added here are a few odds and ends of some recent photos. Enjoy (especially the bowls).

Pauline Dahlinger and her husband, Dave (not pictured here) helped out with some of the work I am not able to do. Raking and lawn sweeping made our whole yard look good.
The day after Dave used the lawn sweeper, we received this light dusting of snow. I understand more is in the plans (we do live in Wisconsin).
The prayer shawl women at St. Paul in Stevens Point shared this prayer shawl with me. They are already covering me with their prayers.
Recent bowls. The top two were made from 2 or so inch boards. They turned out well from this wood that I've just had lying around. The bottom four are made from green black cherry. I'm not sure if they will break/split or not. The left front bowl (which I really liked) split so nicely when I was finishing it up, but it will only go as fire wood.

I like the black cherry wood. Gives variety to the pieces. The flat back left is made from oak and the back right is made from pine.

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