Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I was to have participated in a field trip with the younger students, but since it was raining, that trip was cancelled. Instead I ended up with the 5th and 6th graders to go to central Hong Kong to the Dr. Sun Yat-Sen museum.

In my mind, I was confusing Sun Yat-Sen with Chiang Kai-Shek. I'm clear now. Sun Yat-Sen lived until 1925 and during his lifetime, he developed a philosophy of bringing all of China together into a republic. It was the end of the last Chinese dynasty (Qing) in 1911 and Sun Yat-Sen visioned that China could be brought together (like a group of differing cultures and states) into some kind of a union. On the other hand, Chiang Kai-Shek had a form of government that he wanted to establish in China. He obviously failed when in 1949, he and his soldiers had to flee to Taiwan. Mao Tse-Tung was the man who drove him from the Mainland, later to become the well-known and ruthless "Chairman Mao."

Pictures were not allowed at the museum, but I did get in on a lot of reading. The kids were pretty good, allowed to run kind of freely for the first 30 minutes, and then they were given a guided tour so that they could knowledgeably complete their history project this afternoon.

 Student are well disciplined. Here is a shot of the lecture before we left on the field trip. The students were asked to either sit or kneel on the cold floor. This seems so contradictory because the people of Hong Kong are fastidiously clean. The streets, parks, and the school are always so clean. But students respond without grumbling.

Before the group moves to a new place, they line up and count to make sure everyone is present.   

 The statue of Dr. Sun Yat-Sen
It's such a joy, to repeat again, that the students are opening up more and more. They come up with questions and seem to have little hesitation to come up and ask.

MORE CHILDREN TO PRAY FOR (many here are not yet Christian, not because there isn't a climate of Christ-like love, care, and verbal witness.

God's other creations are mighty beautiful also. This lone marigold blooms in the back flower area of the school along with some other beauties.          

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