Wednesday, June 6, 2012


About this time of the year, fishing is good. When the bluegills come to the spawning beds to deposit their eggs and then for the males to fertilize them, is a fun time to fish. The water is still a bit cool, and the fight the fish give is enjoyable.

On Memorial Day, I fished just a few minutes from the dock at Andrew and Suzannes cabin. Kaitlyn and I caught a few so I decided that the fishing just might be good.  Since their little cabin is only 7 miles from our home, it is a convenient spot for an hour or two of fishing.

This week I got the bug. I went out one afternoon and caught 14. Then Karol went to town the next day to buy her license ($7 for those 65 and up) and we went out together - brought home 17, 10 of which were of the size pictured below.

Then today, Andrew wanted to take Joshua out for a little while. We met at one and fished about two hours - brought 18 home to clean and filet. I was surprised at how good Joshua was at reeling in his line. Watch him catch a fish. I think that Joshua and Andrew caught most of the fish, but to me, it was just fun to be outside on the water. 

Joshua pulled in this big bluegill. He had a hard time because it fought so hard, but he landed it. Note that this is one of the bigger fish that we caught.
Karol's hand gives you opportunity to compare the size of some of the bluegills we caught.

Here are more bluegills that we caught (really, Karol got most of the big ones). My hand is seen for size comparison.

If you're going to enjoy eating them, they have to be filleted. I learned how to filet many, many years ago when I was in upper grade school. Fishing was an important part of our family, and also a big part of our diet.
 When I was working full time, I frequently desired the opportunity to fish, but either I couldn't get the time off or I couldn't find someone to fish with. Now it's easy, and I find it so relaxing. Besides, what winter meal will not be good highlighted with some filets that were frozen in a block of ice!

I found a great source of worms. The huge pile of aged horse manure in my upper garden is moist and, I guess, perfect for worms. It just takes a little digging and I can get enough of the fat little creatures for my afternoon out on the lake.

This is a preview of tomorrow's blog; the garden.
I know that I promised that my garden would be the next blog, but hang in there with me. When the fish bite, they have to take first place.