Sunday, November 3, 2013


Today was an exciting day - it will mostly be verbal since I only took two pictures. Here they are:
BROGAN, COME BACK! This is Brogan Albers' empty space at the English school in Jiangmen. He was well loved, and they welcome him to return.   So, Brogan, you're invited. 
 (Ed. note: Brogan graduated from UWSP and was an avid "mission tripper" while at Peace. He fell in love with serving outside of the U.S. and served in Jiangmen for 13 months.

I saw this sign on a bus (maybe in a taxi) and thought that it would be a perfect logo for the Lutheran Church.
 Hilda saw me off on the bus at 8:30 this morning, arriving in Shenzhen about 11. I was told to get off at the third stop (which was at the side of the road where the bus driver called to get help because he had a mechanic come with a grease gun). The driver told me to STAY ON. Ten minutes later we got to the bus depot where we met a driver coming down the wrong side of the ramp.

I caught a taxi and made it to James and Ardith Vandercook's home. Lunch with them and then we headed to the Bible study at the Meilin church. Met some of the other serving people and then shared my message on Zacchaeus (well received). Noah and Sasha remembered my prodigal son message from March when I was here.

Met Michael and we headed by bus and taxi to our hotel. Went out for a soda and ended up getting a couple of beers. A muslim noodle shop was nearby, so we went in and opened our beer......only to be told that Islamic people do not drink - so we went to a neighboring table outside and I was served my bowl of noodles. They are sooooo good - and only $1 (Michael said that's the tip one leaves in America).

Tomorrow on the high speed rail. Look for city names and activities in "code."

Love you all..........................................Carl

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