Sunday, September 14, 2014


Two days ago, I walked into my office to see right outside of my window a young great blue heron just lolling about. We watched it for a while as I tried to get a couple of pictures. Who knows, it may have been raised at our neighbors pond.

Then, a day later, a huge flock of grackles moved through, traveling from tree to tree, and finally a large number of them settling on a grassy spot.

Pictures also of the newly picketed garden and Karol and Isaac (Matthew and Angie) feeding the fish.

Grackles galore.

Under the apple tree.
Matthew had lots of energy as we began. We are both tired out now that the job is complete.

The old fence on this garden has many posts that had rotted off and the side poles were losing it quickly. We thought a picket fence would be unique. So Matthew and I set to work yesterday.

Matthew hard at work drilling screws to hold it together. In the background is the auger that we FORTUNATELY rented.

Matthew making the final inspection. Proved to be a great job!

I don't know if Isaac was more interested in feeding the fish or in sneaking bites of the bread.

He ended up loving the feeding of the bread to the fish.

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