Wednesday, May 29, 2013


I've got a bit of time, so maybe I'll see if I can post something interesting. A video or two, a great picture, or.......I'm still in Manhattan, KS, at our annual face to face ISM, Inc. board meeting. Today we clarified strategy and tomorrow we will get into business. We are thankful for all of your prayers.

The flowering crab trees were beautiful this year. Last year the blossoms froze.

The flowering crab apples line our driveway.

It was hard for me to comprehend that the flowers simply covered the branches.
Is there any room for the leaves to come in?

CLICK HERE to watch Nathan and Jason play a game that I brought back from central China. The large wooden top got a large split after I brought it back - from the dry air. But, thankfully, it still worked. And is it fun? Judge for yourself.

Even the tulips outdid themselves this spring.

From May 14 to 21, I facilitated the In-Depth Bible Seminar, an annual event to which we invite Christian and "serious seeker" international students. This year, we had 18 participants from China, Ethiopia, Iran, Madagascar, and Taiwan. What a week of blessing it turned out to be.

CLICK HERE to watch and listen as Lee and Ashkan join together to play
 and sing "Bless the Lord, My Soul."

The week ended with an evening around a campfire. Each person received a special Scripture verse and a blessing, and then each small group was bathed in prayer. It was touching and meaningful.
The teaching staff at the May 14-21 In-Depth Bible Seminar. (l - r) Still recognize me?, Hannah McCulloh (Ames, IA), Xiaohua (Chinese participant), Lee Meyer (Tempe, AZ), and Paul Hoemann (College Station, TX)


  1. You alternated those tree colors well when you planted them. I've never seen them look so good!

  2. Can't wait to crack that whip!

    1. Now you just need to make your own top!
