Sunday, September 22, 2013


You have to see to believe. The harvest of apples this year has been amazing. Not only my trees, but all the apple trees in the greater neighborhood - they're all getting broken branches because of the weight of the apples. And the grapes have been good too (along with lots of blueberries).

One side of the tree.

I do not spray my apples - no chemicals. There's a little apple scab but really no worms to speak of.

These are waiting to be peeled, cored, sliced and then put into the dehydrator. Today we made cinnamon dried apples.
Although they have seeds, they are enjoyable to eat because they are so sweet.

Maybe next year, I'll be able to harvest for wine. Just enough for eating this year.

Even blueberries were easy to pick. I still have one bush that is bearing enough blueberries for everyday eating.

If I find a recipe, I may try making some rose hip jelly.

THE FOLLOWING PICTURES WERE TAKEN BY KAROL: she loves the produce and flowers.
Roma tomatoes
Yummy eggplant.
Soon we'll be eating brussels sprouts.

Purple cabbage make great "sweet and sour" cabbage.
Yellow coneflowers - beautiful in late summer.


  1. Your rose hips are so beautifully bright. Mine are more dull. I wonder if the type of rose determines that.

    Glad to hear you're going to make wine---someday!

  2. I hope some of those apples have my name on them! Really making up for last year.
