Sunday, October 13, 2013


There comes a time each year when the temps move lower, the trees begin dropping leaves, and one begins rapidly to prepare for the onslaught of snow (although I enjoy the snow). Vegetables get quickly harvested, the lawn gets prepared for a time of "no growth," and tools are thoroughly cleaned and placed in their winter storage positions.

It's a time of change, but also a time of beauty. Enjoy with me these days of change.

Karol is always a partner in those times of change. We're harvesting stalks of Brussels sprouts and handfuls of curly kale. The fall veggies are always full of vitamins and other healthy goodies.

Asters are maybe one of the latest flowers to bloom. And they've saved their best beauty for all to see.

Asters and colorful leaves edge the pond.

We don't slow down much even for the changing seasons, but there always seems to be time to sit on our pier and feed the hungry fish.
This year, our new venture was one hill of birdhouse gourds. We didn't know what to expect. They did vine over a group of our bushes, but the gourds look like they'll be good. The book says to wait until the leaves are frosted before we consider harvesting the gourds.

Sumac always seems to outdo itself shortly before the leaves begin to drop.

The birds love the fall. Berries and crab apples are ripe for the eating. These berries are located on the yellow (golden) twigged dogwood located up near the garden.

When we get behind on harvesting, the plants lose no time in trying to reproduce. Here the broccoli flowers in anticipation of producing seeds for next year.

Apples are crisping up and storing additional sugar. That's good for the consumer who plans to harvest the produce before the freeze.

We still have lots of apples to harvest - and give away. They're all organic and may not look like the kind that you purchase at your local grocery or fruit market, but, if you can get by the looks, they are mighty tasty to the palate.
The deep yellow and the many "rusty" shades are characteristic of fall. The beauty is intense.

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