Saturday, June 8, 2013


I tend to take them for granted - those wonderful creations of God we call flowers. I plant, God waters, and, lo and behold, they send out flowers. I've captured a few of them here for you to enjoy also. Noted is the fact that many of these flowers range somewhere in the purple hue.

The south and west side of our home. Karol planted the creeping phlox some years back and now, each year, we are treated to a feast of flowers (I can see them outside of my office window).

The lupine "arrived" some years back by God's planting (or a bird). They multiply each year and now adorn a poor soil area to the west of our home.

I've always wanted white iris. A couple of years ago, I was given a root, and now I have them in two places in my perennial gardens.

But iris come in a variety of colors.

If I'm not mistaken, these flowers are called allium - they come on a tall stalk.

This iris was given to us by Brock two years ago. It's one of our best.

Bleeding hearts are fast growing and one of the favorites of the hummingbirds.
Last year, we planted three kinds of clematis on a new trellis on the west side of our garage.

This azalea was planted five years ago. Now it provides many moments of pleasant viewing.
This yellow-bellied sapsucker has provided a lot of humor for us. When he first arrived, he found a bat house to tap on (it echoed even at 5:15 in the morning). Then he found a variety of spots on our log home (to my displeasure). I rejoiced when I saw him tapping on one of our wash-line posts (you have to know that the birds feed on sap - so this is an exercise in futility).

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