Tuesday, June 25, 2013


What do you think of when the weather gets hot and you'd like to cool off. Watch Joshua and Kaitlyn have some water fun.

CLICK HERE to see the video. What do you think? You'd like to join them?

THE GARDEN IS GROWING (Finally we're getting somewhere)

The tomatoes have begun to bloom. I can "see" the tomatoes already.

Beans - they have just begun to bloom. In the front are small eggplant and peppers.

We just picked our first edible pea pods (or should I say, Karol picked them).

My carrots (front five rows) had a hard time getting started. The beets (in front of the beans) are doing very well. We've already had beet greens.

This must be a mighty pepper. The plant is small, but it has already set fruit.

We ate lots of asparagus and froze even more for the winter. The cool and wet weather made it grow really well.

I'm out in Pittsburgh right now for the LWML convention (Thursday through Sunday). I'm enjoying my stay with Matthew and the boys (Angie is working in Dallas for a few days.
Isaac loves "lion."
A mourning dove from outside of my office window.

We re-mulched this flower bed and added a few new plants.

A very pretty corner of the yard.

Karols herbs (cilantro, basil, and two kinds of parsley) are in this flower bed near our back (front) door.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your posts and how beautiful life is thru someone else's eyes...
    Not that life is dull by any means.. Love the blooming plants.. Ours have started growing as well, but in pots since our soil is not that great... Miss you two and miss having fun with you two.. Love ya Butch and Pat
