Friday, May 18, 2012


The In-Depth Bible Seminar sponsored by International Student Ministry, Inc. is an annual weeklong event held in the St. Louis area. Baptized Christian and "serious seeker" international students from our campus ministries are invited to attend this conference.

The three goals are:
     1)  Equip individuals with a grasp of the whole of Scripture (using The Bibles Big Story)
     2)  To share teaching about some of the major theological themes (Baptism, prayer, the Church, etc)
     3)  To train in small group ministry using small groups for evening discussion and prayer

The desired outcomes are for these students to either return to their campuses or as they return home to be instrumental in Biblical and faith-enhancing studies. Each will eventually return home where they will be able to speak in their own language, relate to family and friends, and, really, go where we could never go or never send missionaries.

Sessions are held morning, afternoon, and evening with substantial breaks inbetween for conversation and questions. And, I am amazed at the questions and conversations that take place.

How wonderful it is to hear the group singing songs like "Lord, I lift Your name on high."  Devotion times are dedicated to prayer and song (most of the songs are new, but well learned as the seminar goes on).

Chiung-Hua is totally wrapped up in giving praise to God.
Computers and cell phones have found their place at the conference. Fifteen years ago, when we began these special conferences, no such technology was available.
Funds for this seminar come both from the participants and their ministry sites, but the primary gifts come from the prayer partners of ISM, Inc. Those prayer partners have been more than generous since the cost per participant runs about $900 - we also cover transportation.
Hannah Mcculloh, Ames, Iowa, poses with three of the Chinese participants.
Participants come from China, Egypt, Ethiopa, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Taiwan

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