Wednesday, July 4, 2012


The reunion celebrated the wedding of Donnie and Anna Stephens, married on June 26 , 2012, in Antigua. Donnie, we welcome you into the family, looking forward to getting to know you more as time goes on. Blessings on your marriage and family.

The weather was so hot today - 94 or 95 degrees. Made for an uncomfortable afternoon. The kids made the best of it.....see their WATER ANTICS.
Rob and Penny fish in the BEST fishing hole (a lagoon off of Shawano Lake - inaccessible to the public from the lake. Rob and Penny caught 16. The morning crew, while wading caught 56 that were cleaned, and the evening crew out in the canoe caught another 39. That is a lot of fish from a very small area. Most of those caught were nice fat sunfish (we used to call them pumpkinseeds).

The MacDonald family enjoying s'mores at the campfire awaiting the July 3 fireworks.

Shawano Lake was beautifully highlighted by the full moon.

Selle Reunion Bird List: 6/29-7/5 2012
  1. Cedar Waxwing
  2. Northern Oriole
  3.  Warbling Vireo
  4.  Red-windged Blackbird
  5. Downey Woodpecker
  6. White-breasted Nuthatch
  7. European Starling
  8. Ring-Billed Gull
  9. American Robin
  10. Wood Duck
  11. Bluejay
  12. Barn Swallow
  13. Belted Kingfisher
  14. Purple Grackle
  15. Black-capped Chickadee
  16. Northern Cardinal
  17. Common Crow
  18. American Goldfinch
  19. Eastern Kingbird
  20. Eastern Wood Pewee
  21. House Wren
  22. Mallard Duck
  23. Common Loon
  24. Osprey
  25. Red-Eyed Vireo
  26. -Black and White Warbler
  27. Chipping Sparrow
  28. Ruby-Throated Hummingbird
  29. Brown-headed Cowbird
  30. Song Sparrow
  31. Common Yellowthroat
  32. Northern Rough-Winged Swallow
  33. Mourning Dove
  34. Red-Headed Woodpecker
  35. Bald Eagle
  36. House Finch
  37. Chimney Swift
  38. Grey Catbird
  39. Green-Backed Heron
  40. Great-Blue Heron
  41. Hairy Woodpecker
  42. Field Sparrow
  43. Herring Gull
  44. Pileated Woodpecker
  45. Yellow-Shafted Flicker
  46. Eastern Phoebe
  47. Purple Martin
  48. Yellow Warbler
  49. Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
  50. Red-Tailed Hawk
  51. Mute Swan 

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