Sunday, January 6, 2013


Approximately 15 people will travel to Guatemala from January 6 to January 15 for an opportunity to serve and learn, and also build relationships. The trip is sponsored through CALMS (Central American Lutheran Mission Society) and St. Paul Lutheran Church, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. Work will include a clinic, house construction, home visits, and a VBS.

The team has chosen this medium to tell their story, so all of the writing will not be my own, but a compilation (conglomeration) of thoughts, ideas, and reflections from any of the team members.

Even before the outset of the trip, we ran into challenges. Dennis, one of the team members who was to work in construction, became ill and had to cancel. That meant rearranging his two suitcases that were carrying medicines for the clinic. The van driver also woke up sick causing our leader, Carol Rave, to look for a substitute. God provides.
The team gathered at the 10:45 am service at St. Paul both for worship and for the commissioning. 

Myra Swiston shared a children's message that included the special soccer balls that the team was taking for the children. The St. Paul Sunday School had gathered an offering for the 25 soccer balls.
Pastor Tom Petersen called the team forward for a special commissioning.

The back of the shirt features a circle (God is eternal - no beginning or end) and arrows of love going out to the whole world (the symbol is a 'picture' of God taken from the original idea used by Crossways, Intl. of Minneapolis, MN). We go out as God's representatives to serve the world in the love that He gives. Our theme verse is Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."
The front of the shirt has this imprint. San Pablo (St. Paul) is near Zacapa. St. Paul is our church home back in Wisconsin.
Each person will be taking carry-on luggage plus two suitcases filled with vitamins and medicines, carefully packed and painstakenly labeled to avoid complications.

1 comment:

  1. Have a great time!! Hope the trip there wasn't too taxing.
