Saturday, February 25, 2012

This afternoon, left to meet up with a team from South Dakota that was just finishing up their time in Hong Kong working at a high school. We met at the Wong Tao Sin Temple, toured there, and then took the train to Nan Lian Garden, a beautiful garden spot at a Buddhist nunnery. We ended up the evening at a Thai restaurant in downtown Hong Kong with some great, hot and spicy food.
One of 81 advertised "soothsayers," fortune tellers and palm readers, who had their booths in a hall adjacent to the temple itself. I couldn't believe that people were waiting in line to have future told.

This "bad boy" with his friend stood at the entrance to the temple. Obviously a lucky piece since his paws and his nose were shiny from people rubbing on them.

There was a huge area where they sold this "stuff." The sign said "worship items." People took the incense to the inside altar and those who had fortunes told, came here to find the lucky charms that would protect them from whatever danger the soothsayers had warned them about.
The center piece of the Nan Lian Garden was this gold temple in the middle of a beautiful pond. The water was clear, the "koi" were multi-colored, and the surroundings breathed of peacefulness.

The waterfalls flowed over the classy vegetarian restaurant.

A wide variety of colored lotus were displayed in ponds in one area of the garden.

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