Tuesday, June 12, 2012


What an uplift yesterday at the North Wisconsin District convention when the group sang "Lord, I Lift Your Name on High." That video is worth listening to.
This year's convention began on Sunday evening with 5 pm worship and ended on Monday with a 4:30 pm installation of new officers and a brief closing devotion. It's a new cost-saving model for the every three year district convention.
My former "boss," Rev. Dwayne Lueck, was elected as the new district president (he'll do a good job).
I was elected to the nominations committee for the next convention in three years.
The synodical president, Matthew Harrison, was present to share a bit of his vision for our church body.
New district president, Dwayne Lueck and his wife, Cheryl

LCMS President Matthew Harrison

Well, the convention was good for most of us, but some of us needed time to do other things, and it's not all that bad.

At the opening service, the crucifer led the way with the reminder of Jesus who brings us together.

Outgoing president, Paul Weber, shared wonderful optimism about our district.

My sucessor at Peace Campus Center, Andy Weden (left) chats with his "coach" Nate Reichle. Andy, as well as other new pastors, are "enrolled" in a program called PALS that is meant to mentor new men in pastoral ministry.

I just couldn't leave you with all this "boring" stuff about the convention. Here are a few of the highlights blooming at our home right now.

Right now, the orange annual poppies are at their peak, and the dianthus keep on showing their beauty day by day.

1 comment:

  1. LCMS District Convention: Kind of like the "Elks" or "Moose" club for Lutherans in Northern Wisconsin.
