Saturday, September 15, 2012


Over recent years, I have come to learn the joy of grandchildren; not raising them, mind you, but simply spending time with them. Reading, playing, singing, praying, walking, and tickling have all been a part of the regimen.

Start off by watching OUR RACETRACK. I find it amazing that EACH of the grandchildren finds some vehicle to ride/walk behind for use on the track.
Parents can sit and visit since the grandchildren are all old enough (except Caleb, but he wasn't here) to be on their own. Andrew and Nathan enjoying the time.

Karol takes time away from food prep to visit with Suzanne.

Kaitlyn counts the cash received on her seventh birthday.

We discourage (and disapprove of) crashing, bumping, or pushing while in motion. Good natured racing usually takes front center on the "race track."

I don't think that Abram ever saw "The Titanic," but you'd never guess it by his actions.

Nine of the grandchildren were present at this visit. We're expecting all grandchildren to be together on the first weekend in October when Matthew and Angie bring their two boys from Pennsylvania.

Heike Jablonski from Kassel, Germany, was our house guest for a week at the beginning of September. On one of the mornings she visited St. Paul Lutheran School to share with the children.


  1. So many blogs I can't keep up! I love randomly going to your page and being surprised by a new blog.

  2. Hey PC,

    So you've finally added me to your blog :-). Thanks - maybe that way I'll keep up with it. It's fun to see the picture - and you actually spelt my name and home town correctly ;-)!! Thanks again for hosting me.
    By the way, I also have a blog, although I haven't written anything in a loooong time...

    Take care
