Friday, March 1, 2013


Jiang Men probably has three million people, but judging by the old buildings and the many small shops and the "rural" nature of the lives of the people, it is still rural. It is like stepping back 50 years even though there still is much that is very modern here. I hope that the pictures seen in the last post and these today will give you a feel for what life is like.

One of the newly opened worship sites for the Jiangmen Christian Church is this showroom. Their first service was held last Sunday with 20 some people present. The owner of the company is Christian which accounts for the site. His company produces saunas that do not use steam, only electric heat. The saunas are sold in 30 countries in the world and run about $5000 per sauna. They are made for inside use.

Emily works in/owns a small shop in a nearby shopping mall. The shop sells cakes and desserts along with a variety of drinks. The tray she is holding is "Give Us This Day our Daily Bread," which I asked her about, wondering if she knew about that phrase and what it meant. Yes, she knew about where it was from. Others had asked her about that same tray.

Hilda (red stripes) and Lily (sisters) are the employees of the church. They are two of the most gracious Chinese I know. Both are unmarried, in their 20's, and have an attitude of serving. Hilda is Christian; and Lily, not yet - for your prayer journal.

During my time here in Jiangmen, I am staying with Brogan Albers, a previous participant at Peace Campus Center and a graduate of UWSP. Brogan loved mission trips, so, here he is, in China for one full year, teaching English in Jiangmen.

Breakfast was about a dozen of these little jouzu (dumplings). Wow, they were good.

This morning (Friday) we went out with Pastor Jimmy and his wife, Jane, to make several house calls. At each home, after some general conversation giving me a chance to talk about my story, Pastor Jimmy led singing and then we had a time of prayer. Sometimes I specifically was asked to pray for individuals.

Flowers continually attract my eye. Azaleas, petunias, roses, pansies, seems they're all in bloom.


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