Monday, February 25, 2013


My little Japanese friend, Karen.
Most people go back to school in September! I'm back to school in February - not as a student or teacher, but as a catalyst to encourage the speaking of English. My work is mainly during the recess and lunch times.

Some of the students here at Siu Leun remember me from last year. Others are new to me. A P1 (primary one - first grade) student came up to me today speaking in English. She's from Japan (maybe adopted?) and perhaps went to an English speaking kindergarten last year. Good conversation (at least the kind you can have with a first grader).

When I arrived at school today, a group of mothers were practicing some Chinese dance (first practice). Don't know if they will perform, but they're enjoying the time together.

Today was "Chinese Culture Day" (Spring Festival break recently ended and yesterday was full moon - Lantern Festival). Many kids dressed up in their Chinese party clothes, so it was a fun day to be here. They played games (a competition between teams answering questions) in the Hall, and during recess there were also other activities. In the afternoon, tastes of three kinds of Chinese foods were served by the moms (a flour ball with sesame seed coating, a smaller glutenous rice ball also with sesame seeds and sugar, and a toothpick with pieces of cabbage and pounded rice). What a good day to be here.

Well, I'm still here on their billboard size poster. No one has yet blacked out my halo. You can see why I like to come back to this particular school. It's like their welcome sign hangs out 24/7.

One of the quiz teams. They competed by grade level.
How can you not love these little primary children.

One of the teachers with a smartly dressed child.

On the left is Maisie; her friend on the right. Maisie was one of my partners when we toured the "Wetlands Park" back in 2010. She has always welcomed me with a smile. She is 12 and in P6 and will be heading off to a different school come fall.

What a highlight; to see all of these children, like the above, all dressed up in their festival clothes. I'm thankful for the cultural day here at Siu Leun.
I'd be remiss if I didn't let you know what I had for lunch!

1 comment:

  1. What a good day to be there! Thanks for the lunch pic!
